I have always been a finicky, picky
meat eater. I don't like anything chewy in my mouth. Anything I
can see fat on. Anything on the bone or grissly in my mouth. My dad
took me and my sister to see a pig butchered when I was young with a
hog roast afterwards. Before that I remember when I begged to eat
the heart or gizzard of the chicken, but after the slaughter that was
enough. When I got older we butchered chickens on the farm. I know
where meat comes from now, and no thank you. My choice in meat is
very peculiar and difficult to explain, but I liked chicken nuggets,
turkey breasts, hamburger, pepperoni, meat on pizza, but not chicken
legs, steak, pork chops, roast, etc. The latter all are on bone or
have chewy fat in it.
Recently I was reading a book, and it
covered the meat topic. I always thought vegetarians were these
humanitarian types that equated animals to humans. Although I don't
like eating meat, I had believed that God created meat for us to eat.
It does have all the amino acids our bodies need, so it only made
sense. Then I started reading non-humanitarian reasons not to eat
Animals were made to eat each other.
They were created with speed, strong jaws, claws, and canine teeth.
Could you imagine us running at lightening speeds, catching a rabbit
with wolf like jaws, and tearing it apart with our dull teeth and
flimsy fingernails? No?!?! lol! Me neither. Animals have 10x
more hydrochloric acid than humans in their stomachs to digest the
Half of the antibiotics every year
administered to animals for their infested sore and wounds infected
by their own feces and urine, causing antibiotic resistance in us.
The University of California Berkley linked eating beef to urinary
tract infections in women, the most infectious disease among women.
Meat has also been linked to obesity, cancer, liver, kidney, lung,
and reproductive disorders, birth defects, miscarriages, and nervous
system disorders.
In a book, Diet for a Poisoned
Planet, it is reported that of
the toxic chemicals found in food, 95 to 99% come from meat, fish,
dairy, and eggs. The FDAs own study found 48 pesticide residues in
bacon, 102 industrial pollutants and pesticides in bologna and
luncheon meats, 123 in hotdogs, and 82 in ground beef. Meat contains
14 times more pesticides than plant foods, and dairy has 5 times more
pesticides than plant foods.
like the Atkins diet help lose weight through water weight, meaning
you pee a lot. Why is this? It's because our bodies metabolize
protein, and the nitrogen waste is excreted from the body through
urine. Eat too much protein and you are at risk for developing
kidney stones, premature aging, kidney failure, because they must
work twice as hard to break down the protein to remove it from your
body. In a study involving 1500 patients with diabetes, most had lost
50% of kidney function due to high protein intake. If you are a
diabetic, think twice about this, because you are already at risk for
kidney disease (renal disease). The majority of those who reach End
Stage Renal Disease die within 5 years of being on dialysis if a
kidney transplant doesn't happen.
blah blah about all these risk factors, it's not enough to get me to
stop eating meat! Perhaps this will put it away for you.......
In 2003 only 20,000 of the 35 million cows slaughtered were tested for Mad Cow disease. I did the math and that is 0.06%. Not even ONE percent!!!! Testing is purely voluntary, so if a farmer has his cows die he can turn a blind eye and say it wasn't Mad Cow only because he didn't have it tested.
My dad
once worked for Hormel, the number one maker of your pepperoni. If
you love pepperoni, it's more than likely Hormel pepperoni on your
pizza. When the machines chopped off factory worker's fingers, it
wasn't retrieved out, it was processed. How's that for protein and
cannibalism? Oh and do you like eating those chicken nuggets at
Mickey D's. Have you seen this picture yet all over Facebook?
wonder why school lunches require to include milk? It's a contract
with the USDA to benefit them at our nation's expense. I recently
read an article that parents are now receiving notes from schools if
they don't send a “balanced” diet to school in their sack of
lunches. I'm definitely not sending cow's milk to school with my
children. Want to know why, read my blog on the 750,000,000 cow pus
cells allowed in a gallon of milk by law.
Under a current law, the USDA cannot demand a recall on contaminated meat. So lets fill our bellies with salmonella and Mad Cow, and green meat. In 1999, a ground beef plant failed a series of USDA tests for salmonella. 47% of the company's beef contained salmonella---a proportion 5 times higher than the USDA regulations allow. Despite the fact that this indicated high levels of fecal contamination, the USDA continued to buy thousands of pounds for distribution in schools. In fact is one of the largest suppliers for the school meals, providing as much as 45% of the program's ground meat. Freedman and Barnouin
If you
want to continue to eat meat, be my guest it is your choice. These
hormones in the meat are causing you far beyond what has been
mentioned above. It's causing weight gain and acne as well. I have
yet to blog on so many topics that have been way overdue, but you ask
what can I eat to get my protein. Soy is the big craze for complete
proteins, but it is not good for you. “Spit out Soy its bad for
Foods with complete proteins are: quinoa (pronounced keen-wa if
you go to the store asking for it), spirulina, but eating a
combination of beans, legumes, and grains will get you all the
complete proteins you need.
there is a new product on the market called Shakeology. It is now
being recommended by physicians for their patients. It helps lower
cholesterol and regulate blood sugars for you insulin dependent
diabetics. As a gluten free advocate, this product is gluten free,
dairy free, and contains all the complete proteins you would
otherwise receive from meat. In the past I have drank my wheat grass
in orange juice. Most people weren't willing to taste it because it
looked like grass juice, but it was good. I love Bolthouse Farm's
Green Goodness, which is also as green as it gets. Green colored
drinks have always been mighty tasty to me, but I'm not going to lie,
the greenberry Shakeology was nasty, but the chocolate flavor was
like chocolate mousse. I have yet to try the tropical flavor. Very good and fulfilling. I mixed it with my
coconut milk, and it was so fulfilling that I had a difficult time
finishing it off. It is to serve as a meal replacer, so if you find
yourself running out the door in the morning and not eating
breakfast, mix it up and drink it in the car. It's will get your
metabolism going, so that you don't gain weight from not eating
breakfast. If interested, let me know, and I can get you a 25% discount on it each month.
Read Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. Running Press, Philadelphia. 2005. Most of meat resource came from this book.
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