Monday, May 7, 2012

The Role of Protein in Contemporary Approaches to Weight Management

This is much of my notes from hearing Nancy Rodriguez speak at ACSM Health and Fitness Summit in Vegas in March:

When people lose weight they want to maintain muscle but lose fat. When protein in the diet is increased the fat loss is increased. A diet higher in protein and reduced carbohydrates combined with exercise increases fat loss compared to a diet high in carbohydrates and reduced proteins. For every carbohydrate stored 3 grams of water is stored. Higher protein meals are associated with increase of satiety over a 24 hour period. Over a 5 week period men with untreated type 2 diabetes who followed a higher protein diet improved glycemic control. Modest substitution of carbohydrate rich foods may lower blood pressure in hypertensive persons. The optimal protein intake is 10-35% of total energy with 10-15% being the low end to 20-35% being the modest/high end. The absolute being 1.2 to 1.5 g/kg. (To calculate your weight in kgs: Weight in pounds divided by 2.2) 1.7g/kg is the very top number for those who are extreme athletes such as an Olympian. I always like to do one calculation to make sure that everyone understands how to figure up their own diet:

A 100 lb person=45.45 kg (100lb/2.2)
45.45kg x 1.2g (protein)=54.5
45.45kg x 1.5g (protein)=68

So a 100 lb person should consume between 54.5 to 68 grams of protein a day. On the side of caution for those who think if they consume more protein then recommended here can lead to kidney stones, and potentially lead to kidney failure. Consume too much protein can also lead to increased weight due to increased calories (4 calories per a gram of protein).

A couple foods high in protein are 3½ cups of black beans (374 calories), 7 tbsp peanut butter (670 calories), and replace sour cream with Greek Yogurt (The Greek Gods vanilla honey yogurt is my favorite).

At the American College of Sports Medicine health and fitness summit they were talking about facts and fads in the fitness industry. One factual program that does indeed work is the P90X. I spent the first 3 months of this year on this program. This program is completely a product of the increased protein with exercise helps with fat loss. The P90X diet has 3 tiers depending upon your size. My size put me on the 1st tier 1800 calorie diet. So the first part of this diet is customized to each individual person doing it. It wouldn't make sense for 6'5”, 250lb male to be on an 1800 calorie diet too. The next part is that for the entire first month of this program it does just as I talked about, it increases protein intake and cuts back on the carbohydrates. Protein helps build muscle, and the more muscle you have the more fat you burn even when you are a couch potato doing nothing. By the 3rd month it progresses you towards the nationally recommended food values in each group. If you already have some extra fat on your body, then your body has plenty of fat to get your by for the first couple of months. If you are morbidly obese, meaning greater than 35% body mass index, then the first month of this diet can be followed longer until your weight is at a safer level.  I followed this diet, not needing to lose weight, but found myself getting extremely ripped even after a month.  Search  my blog and you will see some of these pictures.

One of the reasons I wanted to become a personal trainer is to help people through exercise and nutrition. As a nurse everyday I am putting a bandaid on the wound, managing the side effects of a disease with medication, doing a quick fix.... But my goal is to get people off these meds, rid them of these preventable diseases, and heal people so that they can live life to their fullest. The Biggest Loser is my favorite show, but unless you are truly lucky you will never have that kind of opportunity in your life. I have been thinking about how I could offer this type of program to people that would be truly effective and motivating to people. I want to go through peoples food pantries throw out all the grub, watch how they cook, and fix the myths of what is nutritious. I wondered how I could lock people up in a controlled environment for a month, charging people thousands of dollars to pay for the room rent and food. But how could people afford this especially if they are disabled from working, get a month off of work if they are working, and how would I provide a money prize to motivate these people to go at it their hardest and to workout almost everyday. This all seemed impossible. I don't have a degree in business so I had no idea how to go about this, but my prayers have finally been answered with something that is possible for all without locking up people, charging them thousands of dollars, and provide prizes. If you are morbidly obese, greater than 35% BMI (to calculate BMI: ), living anywhere in the world, and want to lose weight, inbox me on Facebook, or email me at

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