I had heard about the Blood Type Diet or D'Adamo diet 15 years ago on tv, until recently I heard it brought up again and decided to look into it. My blood type could possibly be another reason gluten makes me so sleepy, because of the digestion of proteins.
Type A originates from ancestors who needed to utilize carbohydrate resources instead of protein. According to D'Adamo Type As have low levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and high intestinal disaccharide digestive enzyme levels permit the more efficient digestion of carbohydrates. They produce less alkaline phophatase which is needed to digest proteins and animal fats. Therefore there is an emphasis on vegetables and grains. Protein consumption is advised to be done at the end of the day due to the amount of energy it uses from the body to digest, which I contribute to the gluten proteins. It would be interesting to find out what percentage of those with gluten intolerances have Type A blood.
It's also interesting to note what D'Adamo says about Type As ancestry background of stress that was passed down to this generation:
"Due to the naturally elevated cortisol in type As, additional stress often manifests in several ways; disrupted sleep patterns, daytime brain fog, increased blood viscosity (thickening), and promotes muscle loss and fat gain. In extreme cases in Type As, stress can manifest in more serious ways, causing obsessive-compulsive disorder, insulin resistance and hypothyroidism .
The following situation are advised to avoid:
*Crowds of people
*Loud noise
*Negative emotions
*Strong smells or perfumes
*Too much sugar and starch
*Violent TV and movies
*Lack of sleep
*Extreme weather conditions (hot or cold)
Here's the website to find other Blood Type Diets: http://www.dadamo.com/
After reading another blog it seems as if Type Os have Celiac's disease and Type As have gluten intolerances. Very interesting! http://lovemeglutenfree.blogspot.com
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